Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Letter from an Independent to the CONGRESS

I was asked to send a letter to the CONGRESS today - so here's what I wrote succinctly -

"Please stop the bickering among the parties - we here in the middle class are hurting... we need your help! You are our last hope. It is ROUGH out here trying to make a living. I am a freelance Artist that has LOST 95% (there is NO UNEMPLOYMENT for me) of my income, please stop the insanity and begin the real work. Let this President lead our country into a successful new day!"


John Q. Public said...

In my tenure,as a voter since Eisenhower. All the presidents (excluding Kennedy) have tried to do the right thing.It's their appointed cabinet that messes things up & confuse the real issues.The President is only their puppet

Anonymous said...

@John Q

Ever heard of the "trickle down affect?" If the top of the food chain is beaten down, it is hard for the rest to rise up...

John Q. Public said...

If CON is the opposite of PRO,
Then Congress must be the opposite of Progress