So on May 1, myself and my assistant Jenn embarked on the beginning of what would be a wild ride to start and finish the most unique show of angelic works of my career as an artistic fine art photographer. Later that afternoon we discovered ragging waters at the bottom of my long and steep driveway, and, little did we know that down at the end of my road were neighbors preparing to lose everything.
We lost power early in the evening on May 1, and decided to call it a night… what we would see after the rains stopped on May 2 would leave us stupefied and in a shocked bewilderment.

All of a sudden – we started to ask each other, “Where do you live, where do you live, where do you live?” You see, we each own several acres, so we don’t necessarily know one another – in fact, my house is half a mile up Green Valley Drive’s dead end road. Not knowing my neighbors quickly changed, feeling an immediate connection, standing before the newly formed lakeside, we began to collect the floating belongings of one of our beloved neighbors whose home had been overtaken by the flood.

I knew and was familiar with all the equipment in Danny’s workshop. I asked if there was any way he could help me with preparation of the frames and backdrops for my upcoming show “Angels Among Us.” Without hesitation, the answer was a resounding “yes!” My prayers had been answered!

While all this was happening, Danny (aka Moose) and I were diligently working at cutting up my framing supplies so I could get the show on the road. Occasionally a neighbor would stop in to see what we were doing, our little community of strangers had quickly become a makeshift family of characters.
After seven days of isolation, the floodwaters receded enough to get out through an easement between Green Valley Drive and Rustic Hills Road. Seeing the devastation in Kingston Springs was mind numbing. Later, I would get to view the aftermath at the Chapmansboro Road area on the other side of the river from us in Ashland City where all was lost.

I had originally planned for fifteen angels in the “Angels Among Us” exhibit, however, only eight were able to appear complete. I guess the rest of my angels are for another time.
I hope you enjoy this labor of LOVE from me to you and yours, and if you were one of those affected by the great flood of 2010, I hope you have had as loving an experience with those around you as I have.
In love and light to all those affected,
Carla Christina Contreras
“Green Valley Island”
Ashland City, Tennessee