Friday, July 26, 2013


"We often hesitate to follow our intuition out of fear. Most usually, we are afraid of the changes in our own life that our actions will bring. Intuitive guidance, however, is all about change. It is energetic data ripe with the potential to influence the rest of the world. To fear change but to crave intuitive clarity is like fearing the cold, dark night while pouring water on the fire that lights your cave. An insight the size of a mustard seed is powerful enough to bring down a mountain-sized illusion that may be holding our lives together. Truth strikes without mercy. We fear our intuitions because we fear the transformational power within our revelations."

- Caroline Myss, is one of my favorite authors.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

True VALUE Investment

"We must learn to invest our time and energy into what we truly value, not just what we have been taught to value.

You can look at two indicators to determine what it is you value most: Your checkbook and your date book.

Where are you investing your money and time? Do those two indicators reflect your highest values?

Invest in what matters most today and you’ll feel your degrees of aliveness expand."

~ Mary Manin Morrissey, Prosperity Plus+ a New Way of Living