Jeese, it was just the summer a couple of days ago... what happened to 2006, where did it go? Either I was REALLY busy, or I was having a GREAT time! It was both!
As I look back on 2006 I can see so many changes that have come to pass in my life. I have begun to lose weight, my business is headed in a multi-million dollar direction, my marriage is awesome, and most of all, I am having the time of my life! I can truly say, 2006 was a fine year to be had.
Sadly though there were some doors closed during the year of 2006, but I now realize that those doors HAD to be closed... and probably forever... and that this is actually a really GOOD thing! There are people who were a part of my life for MANY MANY years who just sort of disappeared... they made their exits in all different fashions... some of them were quiet about it, and others quite abrupt... either way, I now realize that their exits needed to happen. I wish them the best and thank them for all of the life lessons that they brought to me, without them, my life would not be as perfect as it is.
Now, for the new people who have entered... YOU ARE AWESOME! All of the new friends (and family) that I have made especially since July of '06 (706) are really something to behold... the level of integrity is a gift. I look forward to the adventures we will experience together...
Happy New Year to ALL!