Friday, July 27, 2007

A GREAT loss...

This is a sad time for me. A truly "GOOD Friend" passed today. It is hard for me to describe the feelings that I have during this passing. Mostly confusion. I thought he was going to beat this thing... this cancer... and then again, maybe he did beat it; by not staying here on this plain to continue to experience the hardship of living with this dis-ease. His final weeks were filled with dis-ease. He quietly left us this morning. I remember him with a smile and a snicker at some of the funny experiences we shared over the years... especially the "pickle"... (you had to be there, and only he, Claudia, and myself were there...) that was one of those unforgettable laughs.

I snapped this photo of Bill last year while celebrating his birthday at the Lovelace Cafe with many of his friends... What a nice man... he will fondly be remembered... never an unkind word EVER came out of this man's lips...

Many years ago I heard it said, "that sometimes God takes the best flowers from the garden," Bill was a GORGEOUS flower.

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