Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm not mad...

I'm not quite sure how to react to this... I've sat just staring at the package that I put in a public postal mailbox days ago; thinking it was on its way to the little girl that it was meant for... These are children's books, not a bomb... it was going to a destination only 35 miles away from its origin... there was no need for it to go on an airplane... it is OBVIOUSLY not a threat...What have our lives come to with this terrorism? I'm not mad; I'm just affected now. Sure, if I book a flight now, I am affected by all the extra security at the airport... the hassle, etc. I don't enjoy flying anymore... I don't like being treated like a criminal... what happened to our rights? I don't live in FEAR... I work hard to NOT live that way in this society...

When I was a little girl, I used to collect stamps... I LOVE the colors of stamps, I love the Art of stamps, and I always thought that the cancellation stamp that the post offices do was also very interesting... that is why I put "stamps" on a package for children to see. It takes me longer to do; but there is an educational purpose in why I do it... and now, because I put stamps on it... it got sent back to me... how sadly confusing…

Please don't get me wrong; I'm not mad...and I’m not really sure what the RIGHT thing to do in this situation is… I'm confused as to how far we (as a Nation) will let things go in this country before we just stop having ANYTHING to do with our fellow human beings; I’m talking about personalization…

I live deep in the woods of Tennessee for a reason; and every day that reason becomes stronger and stronger. I am away from the ANGER in the streets. I moved to Tennessee fifteen years ago to get away from the anger of Los Angeles people, there are so many wanting to get where someone else already is... my property values don't sky rocket where I live, but they don't drop either... it’s consistently rising…

I just don't know how to react to this... I AM a proud American, but I am also a confused American...

P.S. I bought this postal scale at Costco ($19.99+tax) a few weeks ago; to save on fuel (the post office is a 22 mile round trip)… now I guess I can’t use that either… are we REALLY a democracy anymore?

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