Monday, April 13, 2009


The colors keeping her warm were what originally attracted me to ask if I could take her photo... I didn't know she had Altzheimer's. Her son was navigating her wheel chair around; I asked him first for permission, then I asked her whether I could take her photo... She just looked at me a bit puzzled. I snapped a couple, and thanked her for letting me. I told her how beautiful she is... she just looked at me. I touched her hands; she kept "working" the end of the material on the cover. I stayed close by, she continued to look at me in wonderment. At one point I smiled at her, and she smiled back really BIG! Her daughter said that they hadn't seen her smile in a long time. What a gift to me!

After twelve children, maybe Atlzheimer's is the gift... I know that can't be easy for any of the children, I was just thinking out loud, not making a joke.

Addendum: This photograph won the THEMED contest for the Brentwood Camera Club monthly contest. The theme was to photograph a stranger.

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